Alex Walker

always lighthearted; never heavyhanded

“…a mover and a shaker making a huge positive difference in peoples’ lives.”

Alexandra ”Alex” Walker has honed her craft as a coach, sharpened her intuition as a consultant, and nurtured a keen sense of intellectual humility in her practice. For as much as she knows, she knows there is still so much to learn.

Growing up struggling financially, dealing with sibling death, caring for aging parents, raising a son with neurodiversity, and enjoying a long career in Talent and Performance Management, Alex has an innate ability to remain incredibly present, to stay especially observant, and to fully embrace the human side of business, no matter how messy that may be.

“I’ve valued your authenticity, your sense of humor, and how smart you are!”

Early in her career, Alex learned the power of learning experientially. She has woven this mindset and approach through her work delivering training, facilitating group processes, coaching humans, and consulting to organizations. Clients benefit from Alex’s strategic thinking and her ability to see past the irrelevant details to arrive at the best way forward. She curates her extensive knowledge to offer just the right insight at just the right time, and she creates a space that enables deep and authentic growth.

She moves through it all never losing her ability to laugh with her clients or at herself, and she somehow makes what could be a painful process enjoyable. She helps clients emerge from the toughest challenges with a newfound appreciation for the possibilities that lie before them.

Recent Success Stories

  • The Next Chapter

    Alex worked with a business owner who was exploring the next stage of his career. She helped him find ways to hold his life’s work as he transitioned out and helped someone else transition in. He was struggling to let go of this part of his identity, to step through to the next phase of his life. Alex helped ease the pain of the journey.

  • The COVID Chronicles

    It’s become a familiar story: leaders in early 2020 struggling to keep their teams afloat and the business operating. But the story is different at the company Alex worked. With a small and expert team, Alex quickly deployed a manager help line, creating a safe space for 40k managers to call and get information, support, and guidance on how best to show up for their teams, and for themselves.

  • Worked Out of a Job

    After working with a senior leader and her directs to communicate more effectively, Alex observed her engage the team in a very challenging conversation during the offsite. After a few minutes, the leader exclaimed, “Oh, you’re still here?” in a way that made it clear that she no longer needed Alex’s intervention; they were doing well on their own. This is the biggest compliment there is for a coach.

Certifications & Specialties

Action Learning Coach, World Institute Action Learning

AirtimeBA Coder / Coach / Consultant

Birkman Signature Assessment

Clifton StrengthsFinder

Hartpence Trust Model

ICF Certified Coach, ACC

Integral Coaching Certificate, New Ventures West

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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C’mon, it’s free - give it a go! Get a sense of who I am, how I work, and what it might be like to let me help you gain a new relationship with your problems.